מגוון מינים ומאספי עכבישנים במערכות אגרואקולוגיות

2 אוקטובר, 2022


The goal of this research is to understand the potential role of different spider functional groups (migrant spiders, desert specialists and crop specialists) as natural enemies of insect pests. We aimed at understanding the importance of landscape composition and distance from natural habitats in forming spider assemblages in annual crops, vineyards, and other orchards. Several papers were published by Efrat Gavish-Regev and collaborators on these topics, all material collected in these projects was deposited at the National Arachnid Collection, and the Insect collection at NNHC, HUJ.


  • 15  Salman I.N.A., Lubin Y., and Gavish-Regev E.. 2022. Multiple factors at regional, landscape and local scales determine spider assemblage composition in pomegranate orchards. Agriculture doi: 10.3390/agriculture12040512. 
  • 14 Schindler B., Gavish-Regev E., and Keasar T. 2022. Parasitoid wasp community dynamics in vineyards following insecticide application. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 9, 718 (10 pp.). doi:10.3389/fenvs.2021.785669. 
  • 13 Salman I.N.A., Ferrante M., Möller D.M., Gavish-Regev E., and Lubin Y., 2020. Trunk refugia: a simple, inexpensive method for sampling tree trunk arthropods. Journal of Insect Science, 20, 1–6. doi:10.1093/jisesa/ieaa012. 
  • 12 Salman I.N.A. , Gavish-Regev E., Saltz D., & Lubin Y.I, 2019. The agricultural landscape matters: spider diversity and abundance in pomegranate orchards as a case study. BioControl, 64, 583–593. doi:10.1007/s10526-019-09954-0.
  • 11 Young M.R., Moraza M.L., Ueckermann E., Heylen D., Baardsen L.F., Lima Barbero J.F., Gal S., Gavish-Regev E., Gottlieb Y., Roy L., Recht E., el Adouzi M., and Palevsky E., 2019. Linking morphological and molecular taxonomy for the identification of poultry house, soil, and nest dwelling mites in the Western Palearctic. Scientific Reports, 9, 5784 (8 pp.). doi:10.1038/s41598-019-41958-9. 
  • 10 Shapira I., Gavish-Regev E., Sharon R., Harari A.R., Kishinevsky M., and Keasar T., 2018. Habitat use by crop pests and natural enemies in a Mediterranean vineyard agroecosystem. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 267,109–118. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2018.08.012. 
  • 9 Shapira I., Keasar T., Harari A.R., Gavish-Regev E., Kishinevsky M., Steinitz H., Sofer‐Arad C., Tomer M., Avraham A., and Sharon R., 2018. Does mating disruption of Planococcus ficus and Lobesia botrana affect the diversity, abundance and composition of natural enemies in Israeli vineyards? Pest Management Science, 74, 1837–1844. doi:10.1002/ps.4883. 
  • 8 Opatovsky I., Gavish-Regev E., Weintraub P. G., and Lubin Y., 2016. Various competitive interactions explain niche separation in crop-dwelling web spiders. Oikos, 125, 1586–1596. doi:10.1111/oik.03056.
  • 7 Herrmann J.D., Opatovsky I., Lubin Y., Pleuss T., Gavish-Regev E., and Entling M.H., 2015. Effects of non-native Eucalyptus plantations on epigeal spider communities in the northern Negev desert, Israel. Journal of Arachnology, 43, 101–106. doi:10.1636/P14-46.1. 
  • 6 Pleuss T., Opatovsky I., Gavish-Regev E., Lubin Y., and Schmidt-Entling M.H., 2010. Non-crop habitats in the landscape enhance spider diversity in wheat fields of a desert agroecosystem. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 137, 68–74. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2009.12.020. 
  • 5 Opatovsky I., Pleuss T., Schmidt-Entling M.H., Gavish-Regev E., and Lubin Y., 2010.              Are spider assemblages in fragmented, semi-desert habitat affected by increasing cover of agricultural crops? Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 135, 233–237. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2009.09.013. 
  • 4 Gavish-Regev E., Rotkopf R. , Lubin Y., and Coll M., 2009 (2008 online first). Consumption of aphids by spiders and the effect of additional prey: evidence from microcosm experiments. BioControl, 54, 341–350. doi:10.1007/s10526-008-9170-0. 
  • 3 Pleuss T., Opatovsky I., Gavish-Regev E., Lubin YI, and Schmidt M.H., 2008. Spiders in wheat fields and semi-desert in the Negev (Israel). Journal of Arachnology, 36, 368–373. doi:10.1636/CT07-116.1. 
  • 2 Birkhofer K., Gavish-Regev E., Endlweber K., Von Berg K., Wise D.H., and Scheu S., 2008. Cursorial spiders retard initial aphid population growth in winter wheat. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 98, 249–255. doi:10.1017/S0007485308006019. 
  • 1 Gavish-Regev E., Lubin Y., and Coll M., 2008. Migration patterns and functional groups of spiders in a desert agroecosystem. Ecological Entomology, 33, 202–212. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2311.2007.00958.x.